This One iPhone Trap Has Changed My Life

Alright, that is a sort of a major explanation. You may have known about this, yet I discovered this out just before Christmas and began this blog then...but, you know. Occasions. So....just on the off chance that you haven't caught wind of this, here it is.

The Space Bar Cursor Trap on the iPhone/iPad in iOS 12 is an extraordinary help for each iPhone or Mac client.

You can press and hold (long press) the space bar on an iPhone/iPad to control the cursor as mouse pointer. You can undoubtedly move over to the precise spot where you need to alter the content.
How could I go a long time without knowing this iPhone console trap? (I'm so drained the abused expression of hack) Clearly, it's not actually new but rather minimal known. In the event that you've at any point felt the disappointment of attempting to move the cursor precisely where you need it while adjusting (my undeniably less exact - what's with that, as well?) voice to content outcomes tapping here and tapping there, when messaging or composing an email on your iPhone, this little tip will fill your heart with joy.

I am an Apple Nerd.
How might they keep this from me?!

I cherish my Apple items. I've been an Apple nerd and fan since I figured out how to make an Apple-Talk system of Apple IIe's and Apple G3's the principal year I begun educating in 1992! Additionally, my first Ed Tech gathering introduction was tied in with incorporating my new Compact disc Rom and this thing called the Web to a gathering research item revolved around Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego! Sheesh.

(Walk 1996) Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego: A Fun Mixed media Exploration Unit for Evaluations 4-8. Including the Apple IIgs, GeoSafari, USA Map book Compact disc ROM and the Web.

MICCA - Maryland Instructional PC Organizers Affiliation,

Baltimore, MD

Anyway, simply needed to impart that to you companions. Expectation it will enable you to out as much as it has for me! Did you definitely think about it? Do you have another extraordinary iOS tech tip to share? Hit me up in the remarks, tail me on Twitter, and connect! Much obliged to you!

- OOOOH! Refresh from a peruser who sent me an email. 1/26

"Additionally, I read your ongoing blog entry, and did you realize that when composing an email address on an iPhone that you can long press the period key and you get alternatives, for example, .organization, .com, .net? It's transformed me. Fare thee well!"

Jenny Piazza - Pursue her stunning Instagram

May the power be with you!

Book show for Speed Dating with Books action.

A debt of gratitude is in order for Visiting!

Cheers dears!
Twitter: @GwynethJones - IG: The Challenging Curator. Future Prepared Instructor Custodian and Tech Pioneer. Mover, Shaker, Blogger, Universal Ed Tech Keynote Speaker, Blogger, and Google Guaranteed. Creator of the honor winning Brave Bookkeeper blog. ISTE Governing body PK-12 Delegate 2010-2014 - Maker of Substance. Image and Figure of speech Historian. Beach front Cabin proprietor. Geek. Incredibly Modest.

Alright, as yet perusing? TMI time away in case you're not intrigued. It's everything great. I'm excessively unbalanced being helpless. Human emotions kinda suck.

Much obliged to you for staying with me and perusing my blog. It's been a hard beginning of the school year. I'll concede, the year commemoration of the homicide of my companion has been unpleasant. (for the entire miserable story, look to the base of this post) Despondency ain't no joke. Also, it appears as though I wear 't have a craving for composing or blogging much when I'm blue. Pardon me. However, you'll see I didn't begin with that statement of regret at the highest point of the post since that is simply regrettable. Nobody likes to see a string of weak statements of regret for not blogging toward the beginning of each gosh darn post when arriving on a blog.
I might be marginally discouraged yet I'm not despicable. Peruse my rages about this theme on the post beneath. Be that as it may, in the event that you're pondering, or could make sense of from my last 2 blog entries, I'm feeling somewhat better.

11 Intelligent Blogging Tips and Thoughts

You know what's extraordinary about having an expert Twitter and Instagram? You can simply concentrate on the children. (It should as of now be our center, right?) however it's kinda encouraging to hole up behind the children. Web based life timid? Take pics of your children being wonderful and post them. Nobody IS MAKING you take selfies, you know! LOL To be honest, when I check over an administrators or instructors online life and it's a ton of pics of themselves? Better believe it, I feign exacerbation and likely don't tail them. Turn the camera around young lady and take pics of your children, your classroom, your library, your school, your collaborators, your reality. Not you. Gracious sheesh, look...I just got long winded! Must feel better at this point. All things considered, extravagant that. I generally possibly take pics of myself when a child returns to visit from Secondary School or School or if a child requests to take a selfie with me. It additionally occurs at meetings, I get a little tongue tied about that. Moment, as Omgosh truly? do know however, that the blue is probably going to return. A debt of gratitude is in order for tuning in. You know, as I consider it, that probably won't be an awful blog entry. Be that as it may, I typically attempt to sound progressively strong and not all that judgey. Extreme love, child. I can dish it out, and I can take it, yet generally just face to face or over a half quart. It's best not to be so judgemental recorded as a hard copy. In spite of the fact that I swear a few people could profit by it. Each one of those individuals as yet utilizing Comic Sans. try not to kick me off! LOL despite everything I would value a couple of supplications once in a while for me, our school, and Laura's folks.
Have an incredible second 50% of the school year, companions!

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